Dream in the Spirit

Dream in the Spirit
This weekend, everywhere I turned, I saw the verse Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” I am just coming out of a whirlwind of a storm. I turned in my 20-page Perspectives Project this weekend, so that has been a big burden off of my shoulders. I have been fighting some other major battles. With that said, I believe the Lord has shown us a way out, but I don’t quite always understand His timing.
Are you afraid of what might happen in the future right now? Are you unsure of what to do and how to handle these storms that are coming? If you are asking some of these questions, you are not alone. I believe this is the opportune time to put your trust in God! Just do what He is telling you to do. It may seem crazy, it may not make sense, and you may feel that you don’t have the strength to do it, but just go forward!
I have been having a lot of strong dreams lately. I believe the Lord is speaking through these dreams, telling me what I need to do. Along with these dreams, His Word, and the Wisdom of Solomon, He has given some great revelation in the Spirit! There is a great separation coming, where you will really have to stand for your faith if you are to be a true Christian. People may mock you, criticize you, but you must stand for what’s right and who you truly love. Stand for the truth, even if it hurts! The people who you think are on your team likely won’t be on your team and those who you think wouldn’t stand with you will. Be wise in these times about what you are spending your time and your money on. We have calm in this storm now, but we have not much time to escape it.
I also saw the answer again in an incredible night at our Cinco de Mayo party. It’s about community and relationships. Dream in the Spirit again for that kind of future!

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